Learn the Keys to Effective Conversations

in Just 60 Minutes

Do you get anxious or frustrated when talking with others?

Do you find yourself losing patience in certain conversations?

Are you frustrated by trying to get your team members, your partner or children to do things certain things, and they just don't seem to understand?  

Do you find yourself avoiding some conversations? 

Would you like to know what is causing these issues, and more importantly, how to fix them? 

3 Dangerous Conversational Habits and How to Fix Them is a program designed specifically to do just that. 
Learn more below.

It can be frustrating when you have good intentions to help someone and your conversations end up tense or awkward.

Or when you are trying to be a good manager wand help your staff, but they just don't seem to change what they are doing.  

Sometimes our well meaning, emotional brain gets in the way.

And you think you should be able to figure it out yourself, right?
You know your are smart enough in other areas, but it is just in this one area where you can't seem to have consistent success.

You just would like to know how to have get through to certain people there so you are  heard and they understand what you are saying.

And  it can be really frustrating when you really try to help or get a good result, but the conversations just don't seem to go the way you want them to.   And it makes it worse when you end up trying to explain yourself, but it just makes things worse and more confused.  

I have been there too.  You want to connect with people, and get a good result when you speak with them,
 but something seems to get in the way and things go wrong. 
The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way!

Did you know that it is incredibly easy to trigger a threat response in another person, and not even know it!

And did you know that you can trigger yourself into closing down or being defensive as well by how you are focussed in your conversations?

Imagine how great it would be if the stress was taken out of your conversations, and you could just relax into them, no matter who they were with.

If you knew how to focus during a conversation, it could change everything. 

You could feel calm, confident and capable in your conversations. Imagine that weight being lifted.
You could look forward to talking with everyone - excited and curious about what was to come!

If you would like to know the secrets to effective conversations, I would love to share them with you. 

-3 Dangerous Conversational Habits -
and How to Fix Them

 - a Home Study Program that could change your conversations for the better today.

In just under 60 minutes days, with my workbook & step by step guidance in this short, but impactful course, you're going to gain an new levels of understanding about your current conversational habits, and how you are unintentionally sabotaging your conversations.

Finally get the support you need, with this clear and simple program you can complete immediately, 
in the comfort of your own home or office. 

Here’s What You Get

When you register you'll get an email containing a download link to the fillable pdf workbook,
and a link to the course video.


Change occurs by first raising your levels of awareness.

In the first part of the Program we will explore what is currently happening in your conversations.  All you need to do is to listen to the questions, sit back, reflect and then write your thoughts and insights down.

program workbook 

The Program workbook provides a framework to lead you through the activities.

Writing things down also helps create new neural connections to help consolidate learning & new habits.  The Workbook is a simple & easy way to keep check of where you are currently, & what you are going to be focussed on instead.


Use your favourite device to complete the Program.

The Program is video based, so you are able to watch it on a phone. 

About Stephanie

Stephanie has been helping capable people with heart be inspiring leaders & communicate with confidence so they can be a positive influence in the world since 2007.  She is passionate about helping others create personal and professional harmony by mastering their minds and emotions and conversations with themselves and others, so they can be both successful and happy, build outstanding relationships and live balanced, meaningful lives.

With a background in education, the public sector & elite sport, Stephanie has a broad background of experience from which to draw.  She is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, as well as being a coach trainer, assessor and mentor.

Stephanie believes true success comes when we understand our brains, and use them to help us create the life we want, including empowering, transformational conversations and deep, robust relationships.

Clients share their thoughts

Dr Kellie Rose

Health Coach to Executive Women

Before Harmonise Me I was a little lost with my goals & where life was headed.

Te gaBefore I completed the conversations program, I was a people pleaser.

ve me clarity.  It enabled me to renew & revitalize my goals. l learnt how to communicate & relate with people better, where we both come out of those situations with really positive outcomes.

I feel a lot more confident in myself & my direction & with communication.
If you want more from your life, or you don't know where you are headed in your career, sport, as a parent & as a family member, I think you will get a lot out of the Program.
 All you need to do is to want to be better.

I've spoken to all of my friends. I've got a few people already lined up to jump on board soon as that new program starts.

Rob Carmody

Small Business Owner

I was flowing with confidence & focus.

I found the tools which I had in my toolbox - I've had them there all the time, but they were scattered everywhere!
Steph coached us to place them in our tool belt & as soon as I decided top put them in their place, I was flowing with confidence & focus.

Jason Bluett

I achieved everything I wanted from the Harmonise Me program.

I would recommend it to anyone wanting to change their lives for the better via the power of the mind.
It is so much easier to live in the Now & to "do life"!
Thank you Stephanie & the members of my group for so enriching my life! 

Course Modules

This is what you will get in the course


1: Increasing Awareness of Your Current Conversations

You are walked through the process of reflecting on what is currently happening with your conversations in a way that create new levels of insight.


2: Getting Clarity

You are taught important neuroscience concepts which help you see how your are creating barriers in you conversations. I also get you clear on what you should be investigate how doing instead. 


3: Gaining Control

One of the keys to effective conversations is ensuring you are aware of and in control of your emotional state. I get you in contact with how you are being "emotionally" and provide some simple shifts in focus to assist you create the best emotional state for great conversational outcomes. 


4: How to Create Connection

One of the keys to getting great outcomes with your conversation is to understand how to connection with yourself so you connect powerfully with others. I will show you how to do this.

Why would you want to do this Program?

Have you ever been to a course before & had good intentions to start and things just seem to drag on? Yeah - me too.

 I have paid to attended programs like that - multiple times.  
I really wanted to make this one different.  

I created a course the way I think really helps in a short amount of time. This is a snack sized course in terms of time investment, and the real pay off will be when you can immediately go apply what you have learnt.  You can't become unaware once you become aware, so you won't be able to go back to what you normally do once you complete the course. 

What's the Value
3 Dangerous Conversational Practices and How to Fix Them?

I would be paid $1,500 to deliver the content of this course in a corporate environment. 

I think it is something everyone should be able to access at an affordable price.

I'm not going to ask $1,500 for this life changing home study course. Instead I all you need to invest is $67 and about an hour of your time.

and How to Fix Them


for a life time of change

VALUE:  $1,5001,000


$67 AUD

  • Program Workbook
  • Immediate access to course content 
  • A lifetime of empowering conversations
in all conversations

Too busy to complete the course in one sitting?
The great thing about this being a home study course, it is easy to find places to take breaks should you need to and come back to it.  The other thing is that you can always refer back to the course as a reference should you need to revisit some concepts.
Just imagine how exciting it will be, when in under an hour you will look at your conversations through new eyes.  



Here are some answers to common questions.


The magic of this program lies in providing a structure where you participate at the same time every day & join in the debriefing of the activities & the group coaching.  Obviously, it's hard to have a group discussion without a group! LOL.  Also, turning up daily also helps build momentum & wire in the new habits.  Sometimes there might be the odd day where you are unable to make it.  I will be providing the recording for you to catch should you need to.  The Program is designed for live interaction, so please keep this in mind when you are signing up. 


Please email me at stephanie@focussedfish.com or book a call on the "CALL ME" section of this page so we can discuss your particular circumstances.  I will do what I can to find a payment method to support you to do the Program. 


Harmonise Me participants will be introducing themselves and sharing insights & some home play activities on the private-members Facebook page.  This community interaction & support is an important key to Program success.  If you are not a Facebook fan, you might perhaps consider joining for the duration of the Program & leaving Facebook once the Program is complete. 


The live calls on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday run, on average, from 30 to 40 minutes.  There will be a little variation around this. If you give yourself at least a 45 minute window for the calls, that should enable you to participate fully.  
Tuesday night coaching calls typically run between 1.5 and 2 hours, although it will depend on the number of people who are being coached.

Why not invest an hour of your time to change your conversations for the better?

A Note From Stephanie

This is a short, sharp and powerful course. It is not only packed with science based concepts applied to get the best out of your conversations, but is a mini workshop, so you get to apply the concepts immediately to your own life. I have found that is one of the most effective ways of instigating change.

I would love to be able to help you feel confident in your communication and have even more mutually beneficial relationships in your personal and professional life. 

I encourage you to do something different.  Something that I believe can truly make a difference. 

If you need any help please contact info@focussedfish.com 

Contact Stephanie