

The Value of Investing in Team Training

Why does training your team to be their best matter?

It might seem obvious to those businesses who already invest in training for their teams, but many businesses don’t provide regular professional development for their staff.

I came from the public sector and, at the time, it was legislated to have 2% of the budget allocated to professional development.

I loved it. I relished the opportunity to learn.  Profession development opportunities provided me with renewed enthusiasm for my job. In my view, training people to be at their best is a must.

Ongoing professional development gives staff something to look forward too. It provides variety and interest, which increases inspiration, creativity and positive energy. Think about how you feel on a short holiday? It’s not that training is a holiday (although, if done right, it should be enjoyable), but the variety enables the brain to create new connections, which gives participants a good ol’ dopamine hit. Dopamine is that neurotransmitter which makes us feel like moving. It helps us focus and be curious.

When an entire team goes through a program together to become the best version of themselves individually and as a team, there are additional benefits to the team as a whole.

Just even having an intention to be the best version of yourself can make significant changes to the individual and the team. The group shifts its focus to who they are at their best. If the training is done well, the learnings will be applied directly and can be integrated into the daily operations of the business.

It is often a small investment for a big pay off in effectiveness, productivity and team cohesion. Staff feel valued, and that is priceless.

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